Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Wanted Level Down
To drop your wanted level, enter the following button combo during gameplay: R2, R2, L1, R2, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Raise Wanted Level
To raise your wanted level (God knows why), enter the following code during gameplay: R2, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Improve Your Driving Skills
To make yourself a better driver, enter the following code during gameplay: R1, L1, R2, L1, LEFT, R1, R1, TRIANGLE.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Pump Up the Gore
To increase the level of sticky, icky gore, enter the following code during gameplay: SQUARE, L1, CIRCLE, DOWN, L1, R1, TRIANGLE, RIGHT, L1, X.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Normal Weather
To change the weather to normal, enter the following code during gameplay: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, TRIANGLE.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Pedestrians Fight
To get the townspeople to throw down in the streets, enter the following code during gameplay: R1, L1, R2, L1, LEFT, R1, R1, TRIANGLE.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Pedestrians Dislike You Intensely
To draw the ire of people in the streets, enter the following code during gameplay: DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, X, R1, R2, L1, L2.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Mo Money... the Easy Way
To get a chunk of cash, enter this code during gameplay: R2, R2, L1, L1, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Destroy All Cars
To destroy all cars press L2, R2, L1, R1, L2, R2, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, L2, LEFT.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Slow it Down
To slow the game down, enter the following code during gameplay: TRIANGLE, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, SQUARE, L1, L2.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Vehicle Invisible
To make whatever vehicle you're driving disappear, enter this code during gameplay: L1, L1, SQUARE, R2, TRIANGLE, L1, TRIANGLE.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Get Full Health
To get full health, enter the following code during gameplay: R2, R2, L1, R1, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Get Full Armor
To get full armor, enter this code during gameplay: R2, R2, L1, L2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Get All Weapons
To improve your arsenal (or reload existing weapons), enter this code during gameplay: R2, R2, L1, R2, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Different Weather
To change the weather, enter one of the following cheats to alter the skies:
* Clear: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, TRIANGLE
* Foggy: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, X
* Cloudy: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, SQUARE
* Rainy: L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, R1, L2, CIRCLE
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Pedestrians Go Nuts
To make the pedestrians go nuts, enter this code during gameplay: R2, R1, TRIANGLE, X, L2, L1, UP, DOWN.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Get the Tank
To get a Rhino (the tank) to drop from the sky, enter this code during gameplay: CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, R1, L2, L1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE. Your tank will be virtually impervious to damage, and can launch missiles from its big, big gun. Arguably the best cheat in the game.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Speed Things Up
To make time pass faster, enter the following code during gameplay: CIRCLE (three times), SQUARE (five times), L1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Change Costumes
To change the costumes in the game, enter the following code during gameplay: RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, UP, L1, L2, UP, LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT.
Grand Theft Auto III Cheat: Cause a Riot
To cause a riot of the non-Zoot Suit variety, enter the following code during gameplay: DOWN, UP, LEFT, UP, X, R1, R2, L2, L1.
Grand Theft Auto III Hint: Get 125 Health
There is an easy (and quite illicit) way to up your health rating. Carjack a fairly decent ride and cruise into the Red Light District. Pull up next to one of the hookers and stop. She'll talk to you and if she likes your ride, she'll get inside. The moment she gets in, your money will gradually decrease. Drive her to a deserted alley and let the car sit. Eventually, the car will begin to rock, first slowly, then faster. Your health will increase as the vehicle shakes. Who knows what's going on inside? In the end, your health will grow to 125, and will last until the next time you croak.
Grand Theft Auto III Hint: Infinite Ammo
Once you collect over 9999 rounds of ammo for a weapon, you will have infinite ammo for that weapon. However, you will still need to reload whenever your clip runs dry.
Grand Theft Auto III Hint: Cram the Garage
In the garage on the second city, it says you can only park 2 cars in the garage by where you save. But you can trick it into letting you park six small ones. When try to put in the third car, the hideout's garage won't open. Get out of the third car and park one of the two stored cars underneath the door so it cannot close. Drive in the thrid car and you can do the same for cars 4, 5, and 6.
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